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  • Sexual Abuse

    It was when I was 17 and kept my pony on a field near my parents home in *****.
    A Scout Master also kept two horses there- they were on loan to him.
    Two young girls, aged about 10- 12 used to come to see the horses and the Scout master starting taking them for rides on one of his horses- he would put one of the girls on the saddle in front of him.. whilst riding round the 21.acres, concealed from public view he would put his hand inside their panties.
    One of the girls told me – I informed my mother- but she wouldn’t take any action. All I could do was tell the girl not to go near the man again and to tell her parents. She was reluctant to tell them.
    This story has stayed with me all my life- it happened in the 1960s.
    The mothers response was wrong and this man should have been exposed.