Recently I had to make a referral to the LADO about beavers group that I had attended as a helper with my children. I raised several concerns about the inappropriate comments, behaviour, comments, and practice of the adults who were facilitating a group of children aged 5-7 years. I initially had reported my concerns to the Safeguarding Team of this organisation and was surprised that my concerns were referred to a volunteer to deal with. The response I received from this individual was defensive, dismissive, and rude. Moreover, this heightened my concerns as this person stated that children make things up and said it was my word against the leader. To say as a parent that I was alarmed and disturbed is an understatement. I should add that I am a qualified social worker and pointed this out to the deputy commissioner who told me I was just a member of the public. This was only last month and I have removed my children. The LADO made them investigate but they still have these concening volunteers in place misusing their position.