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  • Sexual Abuse

    It is maybe too long ago to be relevant, except for saying that this is not a new problem, is a feature of our world, and needs to be treated as such, as is now normal in other organisations.

    I was a scout in the early 1960’s. Our scoutleader was known to have promoted favourites who he had sex with. He invited me to his flat once for tea to “get to know me better”, but I think decided that I would not be suitable. But I could name others who were not so lucky, two of whom left quite soon after, and a third whom I believe was very upset by it. No doubt there were more. And since it was common knowledge among the boys, I can’t believe that there was no awareness for the Group Leader, or other seniors.

    Too long ago for police action I would assume. I can’t imagine he is still in a position of authority. Chances are that he is dead (I guess at least 85 if not) and those whom he targeted would be over 70, like me.