When I was 8-9, between 1977-1979 while a cub scout at the ***************, my friend and …
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When I was 8-9, between 1977-1979 while a cub scout at the ***************, my friend and …
I was in my second year at scouts doing badges and applied for my first aid badge. The scout master …
This is a current/ongoing example of scouts poor child protection and safeguarding abilities in 2023…
I briefly joined the scouts for 2 years to take part in a DOFE program and almost as soon as i joine…
I wasn’t in scouts but I was in girl guides. However we did go to camps where we would be sharing …
This is a hard story to tell, from when I was an Explorer between 2006 and 2008.
I was aged between…
I have been a leader for 30 years. I have seen attitudes change, and practices considered normal 30 …
In cubs in the mid-70s there was a regular outing by train to a seaside resort on the south coast. I…
I went from cubs to scouts and aged about 11 enrolled for my first aid badge. Me and another scout a…
I remember several of us Scouts being invited into the kit storeroom by an Assistant Scout Leader (i…