Trigger Warning

We’re very sorry but the stories being shared on our site are not suitable for Under 18s to access.

This site contains stories and experiences that people have submitted about abuse in a uniformed youth organisation. Some of these stories may be distressing or triggering. Please click the button below to confirm that you are over 18 and want to access this website.

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The stories being shared on illustrate serious harm and long term-impacts being inflicted on vulnerable young people under the care of The Scouts Association (TSA).

The Scout Association has responded to our campaign to address its safeguarding practices and take action to protect children under their care. They will be: 

1. Setting up a Lived Experience Board, comprised of people who have experienced abuse whilst members of The Scout Association

2. Setting up an independently reviewed inspection programme responsible for monitoring the conduct of volunteers

3. Changing the safeguarding escalation pathway so that concerns are reported directly to their national paid safeguarding team, not via volunteers in the local area


To further protect all children involved in youth organisations, particularly those run by volunteers, we are calling on the The Government to: 

1. Add volunteers and leaders from uniformed youth organisations to the ‘Positions of Trust’ legislation, making it illegal for them to have sexual relationships with 16 and 17 year olds under their care

2. Require charities running residential trip for children to be subject to an independent inspection regime 


We call on The Government to action these changes urgently, and for The Scouts Association to be held accountable to protect those who have been harmed whilst in their care.

We've achieved change to Scout Safeguarding, now onto Positions of Trust!

7,327 signatures added so far.