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We’re very sorry but the stories being shared on our site are not suitable for Under 18s to access.

This site contains stories and experiences that people have submitted about abuse in a uniformed youth organisation. Some of these stories may be distressing or triggering. Please click the button below to confirm that you are over 18 and want to access this website.

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About Us

Yours In Scouting is run by those with lived experience of child abuse in The Scout Association, supported by The Good Law Project. Yours In Scouting believe that The Scout Association is not doing as much as it could to protect children, based on evidence in The Guardian, the BBC and the Manchester Evening News.

We have succeeded in getting The Scout Association to take action to keep children safe. Our aim is to hold The Scout Association to account for its past failings and ensure they follow through on their commitments.

Our goals

1. Be heard

Create space for people to share their experiences of abuse in The Scout Association, and what they want to see change to protect young people in the future

Build a community of people who have experienced abuse in the Scouts to provide peer support for each other

2. Take Action

Campaign for adult staff and volunteers in uniformed youth organisations to be included in the Position of Trust definition, making it illegal for them to have relationships with 16-17 year olds in their care

ACHIEVED: Changing the safeguarding escalation pathway so that concerns are reported directly to their national paid safeguarding team, not via volunteers in the local area

3. Create Accountability

Require charities running residential trip for children are subject to an independent inspection regime

ACHIEVED: Setting up a Lived Experience Board, comprised of people who have experienced abuse whilst members of The Scout Association, who they are accountable to for following through on safeguarding actions

ACHIEVED: Setting up an independently reviewed inspection programme responsible for monitoring the conduct of volunteers